Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The wild coast, conspiracy theories, and sharks lots and lots of sharks

Hey all, as some of you may know life still goes on back home as we bumble our way around the globe (I know I was surprised too). Recently my sister Kate Deiter-Maradei was honored to be selected as one of Triangle Business Journal's 40 under 40 in North Carolina. This award serves as well deserved recognition for all of the hard work she has put in for her clients and her community. We wanted to take a moment to applaud her achievement and let you all know that you can celebrate with her and us while helping a great cause. During the 40 under 40 awards lunch Kate will be giving an acceptance speech wherein every word beyond the third will "cost" $25 by way of a donation to the Wake County North Carolina chapter of Habitat for Humanity. For those of you following us internationally you can check out this wonderful organization here at and can contact her here or at @medieatewithkate on twitter if you want your name, country or business mentioned in her speech. You can also follow this ridiculous URL if you want to see her in action at a habitat for humanity event.,bs.1,d.cGU

If you are interested in joining in the fun just follow this link

and be sure to write kate's name in the "honoree" section. Kate we love you and can't be more proud of you.  Sean and Tash Now on to the less important stuff.

After soaking up some sand and putting in the work to make sure tax man TJ Hynes doesn’t show up at our door for an audit cause “you can’t write off sun screen”(uh traveling is kind of our job now so is that not a work expense?) we set off for the “Wild Coast.” We were mildly skeptical because it seems every coast in South Africa has a name like the “Whale coast” or “Sunshine coast” or “Free Pizza coast” (kidding on that last one but you have to admit that you were intrigued). Thankfully, the Wild Coast more than earned its name and its spot on the list of best places we Deiters have been ever. One interesting surprise about South Africa is its western amenities. It’s got highways and malls and Dairy Queen and a whole bunch of other familiar stuff that makes you feel just a little closer to home. None of this applies to the Wild Coast however and it’s this contrast that makes it so special. Its rugged dirt “roads” that pushed the limits of what the engineers at Suzuki had in mind for our little white rental car. Its women in amazingly colorful clothes with all sorts of stuff balanced on their heads. Its rolling hills that stretch all the way to the jagged cliffs on the coast. Its people who speak a language with “clicks” in it (ya know, the sound you make with your tongue and the roof of your mouth that sounds like hitting a ping pong ball) and little kids who chase your car and frantically wave because you are still a novelty. It’s a land that time forgot that’s a “go sooner rather than later” kind of place in a rapidly developing South Africa. In other words we LOVED IT. Our first stop was the worlds best hostel in a place called coffee bay. We were a bit nervous cause it’s a “party hostel” and we were warned both on the phone and again via email that our room is “very loud” cause its right next to the bar. We pictured sleepless nights listening through the wall to early twenty something’s who don’t know that the world existed before the internet. Like most fears ours were unfounded and we found plenty of people who are old enough to know that the fresh prince of Bel Air was raised in west Philadelphia and not some obscure Middle Eastern country. The hostel (called the coffee shack if you’re headed that way) is the height of convenience where anything you want or need can be procured by simply signing the list. Want to go on an awesome hike? Sign the list. Want a cheap and delicious dinner? Sign the list. Need a beer……and so on. At the end you tally everything up and try not to laugh at the ridiculously low cost of the priceless memories you just made. Activities done by the Deiters included but we’re not limited to: Stunning 4 hour coastal hike to an ocean rock formation called “the hole in the wall” (for reasons that will be obvious when you see the pics), making new best friends and then shooting a late night best friend photo montage, trying out our Xhosa skills (the language with the clicks), checking out a drum circle with fire dancers and not feeling like a square, more high stakes Jenga and plenty of other hijinks. It was a few days of great fun with the only weird moment coming as I was walking back to our table one night when out of the corner of my eye I spot the pasty white butt (I’m a nurse, we’re trained to be descriptive) of this dude who was up on all fours on a table playing a drinking game with a few girls. I shook it off cause I was deep in my cups and I thought explaining it to my friends over in the “normal” section around the corner would be much more difficult than ignoring it. This strategy held until we all moved over to the fire pit later on and another one of our friends spotted the spanking event of the naked drinking Olympics in progress. We were relieved when their attitude was “that’s hilariously strange” rather than “let’s go join in.” We all had a good laugh and it made the whole thing seem less weird……..until the next day when things went next level weird when we moved on down the road and who else but “pasty butt Pete” and his gang of morally dubious ladies are THE STAFF at our new digs. Apparently they had come over for a party and made it back in time to have us wondering if we had accidentally checked into some bizarro swingers joint. The dude was naturally hung over but he gave me a double take like “oh blank I think this dude saw me naked” kinda look, but as always I played it cool…. Until several hours and a few beers later when we totally called them out on it. Tish and I we’re the only guests at the hostel (fantastic) and we were sharing an awkward beat around the bush dinner conversation when I finally just tossed the cat out of the bag and onto the table with a like “yeah, we’ve seen you all naked” kind of comment. This actually improved things conversation wise and we were having a great time with them and the owner who had joined the party after dinner. Things were going swimmingly until they began to casually deny 9/11. (wait what?) I’m not sure how we ended up there, but they were throwing it out there in patronizing “I can’t believe you don’t know 9/11 is fake, everyone knows it” kind of way. It was infuriating and led to some general America bashing that culminated in America being blamed for “cell phones ruining Africa” and me screaming “THEN THROW YOURS IN THE OCEAN, THROW IT IN THE OCEAN.” It was horrible and shocking and a total outlier on this trip where people on the whole have loved America and can make civil, logical, non “you faked the moon landing” kind of arguments where they disagree with choices we have made as a country. We left as soon as the sun came up tires squealing and kicking up gravel but in a definite funk because of how we were treated. Thankfully the next spot we stopped was completely in line with the amazing time we had been having and helped us to remember that there are A-holes in every country on earth. This new non- America hating place was called Bulungula and was a spot where the local villagers owned roughly 50% of the hostel and was designed to incubate small businesses in a desperately poor part of South Africa and allow people to experience the Xhosa culture first hand. We stayed in a “Safari tent” which is just a tent on a platform with a double bed in it, and had a small view of the ocean. We ate communal dinners and used eco-friendly compost toilets that were nowhere near as gross as you would think and showered in “Rocket Showers” that you have to light paraffin on fire to warm up the water. We did our part to help the local economy by getting massages and going fishing and we absolutely loved our time in this ultra-rural spot where the directions in included things like “turn left at the big tree” and “when in doubt stay on the dirt road that looks most like a road.” Next up was a spot named Chintsa which featured more casually epic coastal beauty and a night of free “wine volleyball” during which they bring out a box of cheap but tolerable wine and explain the rules (the most formidable of which is no cursing). Me and Tish were on the winning side of course, but are there really any losers in free wine volley ball? (nope). After Chintsa we reluctantly headed north out of the Wild Coast to a spot in the “Hogsback” mountains, which are so named because of a razor back rock ridge that actually looks like a hogs back rather than like a constellation that might be a scorpion if you connect the dots but actually just looks like a big jumble of stars (sorry it’s a pet peeve of mine). In addition to being accurately named, the Hogsback is supposed to be the inspiration for the Lord of the Rings novels cause Tolkien spent some time there as a child. It’s easy to see where this rumor started because the whole place has a mystic fairy tale feel to it. We stayed in a place called “Away with the Fairies” in a room called “Frodo’s rest” which sort of sets the tone for our time in Hogsback. We had planned on staying two nights and ended up staying for five cause we couldn’t tear ourselves away from the fun and funky people in this beautiful place. Days were spent hiking through the woods or insanely abseiling down a 30 meter tall waterfall. (that’s like what the swat team does down the side of a building in a movie, also that was Tash not me, I’m a scaredy cat, but check out the pics and video). Literally, at one point she slipped and fell sideways against the rock face and my heart almost exploded, but she’s a true Deiter and so she battled her way back into a standing position to the cheers and great relief of the crowd below. Nights were spent making friends around the roaring-ist fire in a country that prides itself on roaring fires, and gaping at the “blood moon” which is just the regular moon except bright red for space science reasons I don’t understand. We made a bunch of friends including our “South African Best Friends” Josh and Talita who taught us that you don’t just make delicious meats on a braai, you make friends (put that one in a hallmark card). Things were so perfect that when we told the hostel owner, Dan, about the America bashing we had received on the coast, he knew the other hostel owner and said “oh don’t worry about that, that’s just Aiden, he’s an a@#hole.” After 5 days we decided that if we didn’t leave now we never would so we headed back down to the coast to a place called Hermanus which you may have heard of if you’ve ever watched shark week on Discovery channel. We booked into a nice hostel and set out the next day to Gansbaai which comes up with an image of a great white if you google it (seriously). Our guide was a cross between Captain America and Crocodile Dundee and he casually hand fed the seagulls that flew next to the boat on our way out to the cage diving spot. When we got there they began chumming the water which was less of a buckets of blood kind of thing and more of a gently ladle some watery fish juice kind of thing. Before long, Tash, who was on high alert, spotted a 5.5 meter long (thats 18 feet for us Yankees) shark who had come up to investigate the tuna heads that they use to keep em’ interested.  Then it was into the cage in the 15 degree Celsius water (thats really friggin cold for us Yankees) where they wait for the shark to make a run at the tuna heads before pulling them out of the way at the last second. I was so proud of Tash for conquering her fear and getting in the cage if only for a little while and the experience was absolutely epic. I spent about 30 minutes total in the cage watching these monsters that are as graceful as they are scary glide through the water right next to the cage. This was a perfect way to cap this amazing leg of our journey through this beautiful country. But forget all this nonsense, next week things got even better as we got to see my mom!!! Stay tuned for Bamboons, balloons and broken arms.  

                                    in the water with a terrified tish at the hole in the wall

                                                                             video from near coffee bay

                                       just walking on the Cliffside inches from death

                                                                           More pretty scenery, I'm putting up the shark diving/ cliff walking videos so keep an eye out for them real soon.

Tash doing our taxes

The cliff side hike to the hole in the wall

The ocean on the wild coast

Same, I love the colors of the houses

The "mini hole in the wall"

The real hole in the wall

Kids playing soccer on a lopsided field

Just a cute kid on the side of the road

That's a traditional Xosha rondoval (house)

Another rainbow

A fire dancer

Same, but with a different camera setting

Couldn't get enough of this

Happiest dog in the world

Irish Best friend photo shoot


Same- I'll spare you but there were many more

My hangover the next day

Another wild coast beach

Women walking with stuff on their heads. Amazing balance

It just didn't stop.

The view out our window

More of me and tishys footprints in the sand

The whole coast is just dotted with places like this

Now with me and tish

Dogs on blogs Rhodesian ridgeback style

Tish with a cat

This is a tower of friendship I was building

It was destroyed by bat s#it crazy conspiracy theories about 9/11

Just a cool log in the water

Tish on the beach

Weird ocean snail things

Some rocks we found at the edge of the beach

Me and a new friend

The one day she cried when I left the room

She was awesome

Sunset at the beach

A rocket shower

Tish trying to catch a fish

Tish with donkey ears

Me at our safari tent

More people with stuff on their heads

notice who' doing all the work

Tish making friends

Then her flip flop broke

Another awesome bay/beach

Our room in hogs back

Now with me

That's the moon over the hogs back mountains (see the ridge)

me next to a big tree

This is the waterfall tash went down

This is a valley where we went to have drinks at sundown

This is what a braii looks like when its ready to cook

This was dinner that we cooked with Josh and Talita

Me and my friend red beard dan who owns the hostel in Hogsback

Same, what a glorious beard

Me with Josh


rainbows over the waterfall

That's tash way up at the top

Here she goes


This is when she finally made it

This with Josh and Talita and our friend kate...and a dog on blog


Deiters with our south African best friends

Just another pic of me kissing a dude

This is Neils and "doodle" who run the abseling and my Doodle

the pic stinks but look at the strange "aura" around the moon


Just me and tish and my awesome red beard

Not hung over at all

Me and tish on the sharkboat, not my weathered eye towards the horizon

Me in the shark cage

He was a big boy


He got the tuna head

He's looking right at me, also close the friggin cage

Me and tish by the shark boat

This is a model chichi, not real

The sun off the water gopro style

Our guide hand feeding seagulls

More shark action


A tasty flight of beers at a local micro brewery

This was the view out back

This is on the walk along the coast

Just a pretty pic


It just kept going

People said it looks like Ireland, we'll let you know

More wild coast action

A horse I found

The beach next to the hole in the wall

The hole in the wall

Me and tish in the water, note the pure terror on her face

Go pro shots from the water at the hole in the wall

Just more wide open spaces

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, guys! I really appreciate the kind words. Can't wait to see you soon. Check out this book that mom and I just made. We love you. Stay safe!
